A Family Fun Way To Play Poker!
For Ages 12 to old and older!
Can the Triple Score and Double Score markers be used multiple times in the same game?
No. If a hand is played over a Triple Score or Double Score marker then that bonus is applied - the score for the hand covering the bonus marker is either doubled or tripled and the marker cannot be used again (that marker only counts for one turn).
Why can I not play a straight in the traditional rules game?
Must the Triple Score and Double Score markers always be in the same position?
All cards played must be compatible with their neighbor in either suit or number, so a Straight Flush is acceptable but not a plain Straight.
No. It makes it interesting to move them around. There is also a rule variation where a Joker is used to move one when it is your turn to play. Check out Rule Variations on the website.
What if I can’t play a card to make a legitimate poker hand?
You place a card (discarding it) anywhere on the board where you can match it in suit or number, but you will not score anything. If you cannot even place a card anywhere on the board, you simply miss a turn. There is a fun rule variation that uses a Discard Pile. Check out Rule Variations on the website.
Can I play in two directions in one move?
No. Any cards played must be in one direction only (either vertically OR horizontally but not both). However, the resulting hand may border cards vertically or horizontally, and their score (if any) is added to the total score for that player for that round. So you can score in 2 directions, but not play in two directions.
Can I play a hand on both sides of a card already on the board, even if that card does not form part of the hand?
Yes. Cards may be ‘split’, but only 5 cards in any direction count for scoring, and the cards must be played either vertically or horizontally and must match the existing card in either suit or number on both sides.
When I only have one card left, why must I notify the other players?
Once you have played your last card, that becomes the last round, and any cards the other players are still holding, score against them. So players need to know it is the last round in order to play high value cards.
Why is the set-up for the gambling different to the traditional game?
Three cards are placed face up across the centre instead of one to increase the options for the player going first.
If I want to use the gambling set up for a non gambling game, can I?
Of course! The game is completely adaptable! We would love to hear about any interesting variations you suggest at info@pokamates.com
In the gambling version, why must we return our cards and receive a new hand each round?
There are advantages and disadvantages to playing first versus playing last. This way, the dealer, first player and last player changes every round, making it fair when betting.
Why can I only bet double my ante?
The ‘bank’ finances the transactions and the ‘bank’ starts off without funding. This limits the possibility of the bank not being able to pay out.
What happens if the ‘bank’ can’t pay?
The ‘bank’ gives and IOU and in future rounds, where possible, fills the IOU. If the bank never catches up, it pays all IOU’s at the end of the game .
Why doesn’t the bank retain some cash so there is no danger of it going bankrupt?
This is a good idea - if all players agree, then the bank can retain ten or twenty or whatever agreed percentage. This is one of our variable rules. Check out our rule variations on the website.
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